Mother Misery


White Pig Rittergasse 1
Bad Frankenhausen[mehr erfahren]


Mother Misery (Rock Metal Andere) Enkšping,
Schweden ( )
The foundations of what was to become Mother Misery was laid just before the break of the millenium. The band went under the name Nosedive and participated on compilations released all over Europe. In the beginning of 2003 the band started to record the songs that would eventually end up on the debut album GRANDIOSITY. It got released in the beginning of 2004 and they now went under the name MOTHER MISERY.

Mother Misery received tons of positive response from fans and media such as radio, magazines, fanzines from all over Europe and USA and during that time there was a lot of touring In Sweden. In march -05 MOTHER MISERY hit German ground with GRANDIOSITY in the back and headlined a tour In cooperation with Daredevil Records and Rock This Town (DE). During -05 the band also appeared on a compilation called "Burn The Streets vol:4″ released by Daredevil Records (DE) together with names like: Entombed, El Caco, Nine, Alabama Thunderpussy etc. In January -06 the release of the killer 5-track ep FOR THE CROWS was a fact and Mother Misery gave a taste of what was to come. Once again they hit the European roads with success, when they returned to Sweden the work on the next full length album started. The band entered Greyhate Music Studios (Enkšping/Swe) in November 2006 and under the hands of Thomas Rustander they recorded 13 songs. 11 of these were finally sent to Dragan at Bohus Sound Studios in (Gothenburg/Swe) to be mastered. Just before ALL EYES ON YOU is released Mother Misery has returned home from another 3 week promotion tour across Europe with great success. With cooperation of ALABAMA RECORDS (swe) and DAREDEVIL RECORDS (de) ALL EYES ON YOU will now hit the big grounds and take Mother Misery to the next level.

Fastbeat Superchargers (Rock Punk Metal ) Bamberg ( )
"Beer drinkers, free thinkers” – dieser Songtitel bringt den Stil und die AttitŸde der seit 2005 aktiven Bamberger Band auf den Punkt:
Rotzig, ehrlich und direkt drŸckt der Sound, die Liveshows sind schwei§treibend und intensiv, die Message wirkt authentisch!
Die Band kann mittlerweile auf Ÿber 100 absolvierte Gigs sowie eine in Eigenregie veršffentlichte 6-track EP zurŸckblicken, was ohne konstante Arbeit und ihre D.I.Y.- AttitŸde nicht mšglich gewesen wŠre.
Mit den Songs zum neuen Album zeigen sie au§erdem, dass nicht alles nur "fastbeat" ist, es darf auch lŠssig vor sich hin rollen – hier mit einem Schuss Metal, dort mit einer Kippe im Mundwinkel und etwas Southern Rock-Feeling.


White Pig
Rittergasse 1
Bad Frankenhausen

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